Wednesday, December 19, 2007

White Christmas

We leave tomorrow for our big trip. I have lived in San Diego for 17 years and it still does not feel like Christmas with out the snow. I love going home at this time of year. Colorado just got a bunch of snow all the mountains will look beautiful. I always get so excited about going home. My family rents out a large home in the mountains and we all stay together for three or four days. It is so fun and very crazy. I guess all family's have craziness. The kids and I will drive to Lemoore and stay two nights with Bret than early Saturday we will start our big trip. The kids love going skiing and sledding. Every year we take them skiing and I am always so amazed how well they do. I hope all my friends in San Diego have a wonderful Christmas. I truly miss my time with the choir and the Christmas service. See you next year.


Saturday, December 8, 2007


I flew up to see Bret last night for his Christmas party. It was his first official function at his new job. When I arrived I saw this and thought God was showing me that Lemoore was going to be a great place.

Than Bret drove around the corner and showed me where he is living. I thought he was joking sorry to say he's not.

I have spent the last week fighting with Bret about feeling sorry for myself with all the things that I had to do by myself. God today show me very clearly that he is giving up a lot. I came home not sure what this next year will bring.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

I just took this quiz on line for my personality recipe.....



- 1 1/2 cups of charisma
- a pinch of cuteness
- a teaspoon of honesty

Blend together quickly and serve.
'What is your personality recipe?' at

Tuesday, December 4, 2007


I just got this and wanted to share. Bret started his new job today and will deploy in March. I hope you enjoy.