Tuesday, July 10, 2007


I don't think I should need to say more. I am visiting my mother for the first time since she moved here. We are in Austin and it is sticky. I love that at the store I see woman walking around in short shorts and cowboy boots. So far the best thing is I went to church with my mom and Brayden did not get kick out of sunday school. YEA The message was all about the song Everlasting. They played it four times. I LOVE that song. I feel like I have to stand anytime I hear it. Now they do not stand at this church or lift a hand. I have to say I had to sit on my hands. I always like going to other church to remind me what an awasome church we have. I did see a lady who I thought might go up but no. Heather said I should have stood and freed the church. I am going back next week we shall see what they have going on. My daughters have also be attending horse camp. They love seeing grandma who spoils them. Anyway first day at camp Hayley who has been riding for 2 years got her foot stepped on by a horse. It is very purple and puffy. Spent the evening in urgent care. But it's not broke just some tissue damage. It is not really a vacation till there is a trip the the local ER. Well I will let you know any more great fashion tips I pick up out here. They do love to sparkle things. You may see me with a large banna hair clip with a red white and blue flag next.


Lauren Faiai said...

Wow!! It must be hot there! Thanks for the update! Hope you're not gone for too long. We have some brand new songs we're going to need you to sing in a few weeks!!

Becky said...

Can you pick me up one of those banana clip thingy's there? Those remind me of the good things in life. Have fun and stand up in church!!!