Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Update 2

Well it was short lived but it was nice to have a couple hours with out my children. Yesterday I had high hopes. I dropped my children off and I went to climb Cowles Mountain. I climbed up the mountain listening to praise music and praying. I had some time talking with God about my son. I know he can see the big picture but I am struggling right now. As a human I want it to be fixed right now. Anyway as I came down the mountain I thought I had some fresh thoughts and a clear head. Than my phone rang, it was VBS could you please come get your son. As I drove over to get him I began to ask for wisdom to know how to respond. Upon my arrival none of the ladies spoke to me and the judging looks were all on me. As I got Brayden and Hayley who was with him we left. As I left the room one lady came running down the hall do you think you will come back tomorrow, as I stood there feeling like crying I just said no and thank you. As I spoke with Hayley and asked what happened she said that he wouldn’t sit down for lesson time and when they went outside he wouldn’t play the games. I said did he hit, she said no bit,push? No I felt like this was a victory. God have me this to remember they are only little once and this will pass. I praise my son for not hitting and pray that we will learn to sit for story time. Today is a new day and I can’t wait to see what God has in store for me.


Heather Hammond said...

Your "angel baby" is going to be out of this stage before you know it and you will be able to laugh - laugh a lot about it!

Becky said...

Hi Kristy,
I'm sorry they didn't handle things the right way with Brayden. He is so lovable! I'm glad you got the time that you did. Cowles Mtn is an old stomping ground of mine. Glad you made it to the pool today