Wednesday, June 20, 2007


Ok there was not much on TV last night so I was watching Animal Planets dog show. I have a few thoughts. First do they not have mirrors at these shows? The ladies that showed the dogs are wearing the worst outfits. Most have suits on from the 80’s and brown tennis shoes, or some have very nice sweat outfits made of shinny nylon. I also noticed that the announcer liked to say bitch a lot. It was a bit strange as he described every other dog as a bitch and of course he has several bitches at home. But the very best thing was they have different judges for each division. So as the hound group came out the judge and expert on hounds came out. She was about 65 years old a little larger. She had on nice flat black shoes. She was also wearing a black sequined top. Then the best was her full length black skirt. Now this seemed like a great choice, I thought finally a woman that can dress her age and look nice. But then as she turn to reveal a slit in the side of her skirt that went all the way up her thigh. Yes it is true, I am not kidding she had a slit to the middle of her thigh. I was in shock. I called Bret over made him look. As I am writing this now and I am remembering this and wondering what was she thinking.


Lauren Faiai said...

Great Stuff!! So the moral of this story would be "If you ever decide to put your dog in shows, get someone to approve your outfit before you walk out the door!"?

Heather Hammond said...

You always see the "crazy" stuff!! Like the old man doing yoga in his speedo(that didn't fit very well) at the side of the pool!! I agree people who show dogs on national tv need a stylist!!!

TK said...

I love watching the dog show. You crack me up. I'm still laughing about imagining you alseep on the commuter train.