Monday, January 28, 2008


Brayden was very quiet and I new that he was doing something. Then I said it is bed time and Brayden announced here is Star sticker Man. I took him to bed and said good night star sticker man he said good night star sticker mommy. It is so sweet to see his joy. We had a bit of a scare this weekend. I feel very blessed tonight. Saturday night we were waiting for a sitter and Brayden moved a bar stool in front of the front door to look out the peep hole. He did not see her I told him to get down and turned around and started to walk away and Brayden feel face first on to the tile in front of the door. As I turned to see him on the floor and the chair was on him. He tried to push himself up and hung his head to the side. As he started to scream he wouldn’t lift his head. As I ran towards him and try to see what had happened. My first thought was he broke his neck. As he screamed I saw blood start coming from his ear. At this point I thought I might need to call an ambulance. I got Heather on the phone and she came and got us. As I ran out of the house I gave the sitter the info and we were off to the hospital. Brayden got sick all over Heather car I felt so bad but what could I do. Anyway after a ct scan and many doctor’s asking what happened I feel blessed that Brayden has no bran injury. Brayden does have a left temporal bone fracture. I guess when they told me and I didn’t really get what that was but I have now educated my self thanks to the worldwide web. We are not sure yet if he will have any permanent hear loss or what if any damage was done to his ear drum. There is too much blood in his canal to see. In three weeks we will get his ear flushed out and another hearing test and see where we are at. That brings me to why I posted this. Please pray for my son and that God will heal him. There were some funny things about the night I smelled like puke for 24 hours and every doctor that came to talk with me stepped away. I also had Heather grab my car keys so I could get back into my house when she came to get us the next day, to bad I forgot to put my house key on that key ring. Heather held the trash can as I climbed the fence and jump on to my roof and broke in. As I sat in my car today trying to have a few moments with God waiting for carpool I read my daily bible verse it was Psalm 23:1-6. It was as if God pick it just for me. I felt my loving father reaching out and giving me just what I need, thank you.


TK said...

OH Kristy that is scary. I'm glad you had a close friend with you and I will be praying for his healing and your heart for sure!

Lauren Faiai said...

Holy Cow Kristy! I can't believe that happened. I would have FREAKED out. Thanks for letting us know. Poor baby boy. I'll definitely be praying.

Becky said...

Kristy, I have been praying for you and your boy. I pray that he has a full healing and the doctors can be clear with you.